
PS5 Returnal


Нема на залиха

По несреќното слетување на свет што го менува обликот, Селена мора да го побара своето бегство низ неплодниот пејзаж на една античка цивилизација. Изолирана и сама, се бори со сета моќ на еден туѓ, неистражен и не толку гостопримлив свет за да преживее. Одново и одново, таа е поразена – принудена да го започнува своето патување секогаш кога ќе умре.

4,990 ден

Нема на залиха

Извести ме кога производот ќе биде достапен

After crash-landing on this shape-shifting world, Selene must search through the barren landscape ofan ancient civilization for her escape. Isolated and alone, she finds herself fighting tooth and nail forsurvival. Again and again, she’s defeated – forced to restart her journey every time she dies.
Through relentless roguelike gameplay, you’ll discover that just as the planet changes with everycycle, so do the items at your disposal. Every loop offers new combinations, forcing you to push your boundaries and approach combat with a different strategy each time.
Brought to life by stunning visual effects, the dark beauty of the decaying world around you is packed with explosive surprises.
From high stakes, bullet hell-fuelled combat, to visceral twists and turns through stark and contrasting environments. You’ll explore, discover and fight your way through an unforgiving journey, where mystery stalks your every move.
Designed for extreme replayability, the procedural world of Returnal invites you to dust yourself off in the face of defeat and take on new, evolving challenges with every rebirth.

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